Startup Investor Events: Excellent Regional Events to Meet All the Funds

Investor events are a great way to meet potentially dozens of investment funds in one day in person

As a founder, raising capital can feel like an uphill battle. You spend hours researching investors, crafting the perfect pitch, and sending out emails - only to hear crickets in response. It's frustrating and time-consuming.

But what if you could meet dozens of relevant investors in person, all in one place? That's the power of regional startup investor events.

On a recent podcast I interviewed Dan Kerr who is a partner of Flyover Capital. We discussed the latest venture capital trends and discussed how great these investor events could be. His company puts one on in Kansas City called MidxMidwest.

Check out the entire Startup Hustle podcast here or on your podcast app:

The Value of Face-to-Face Connections

There's no substitute for an in-person meeting when it comes to building relationships with potential investors. As I discussed with Dan Kerr of Flyover Capital on a recent Startup Hustle podcast episode:

"What's great about this event is you corner them all in one room. They're all there. You get to shake their hand and stare at them and [ask], 'Why didn't you get back to me?' Which is great."

These events allow you to bypass the email black hole and make real connections. Even a brief conversation can help an investor remember you when reviewing pitch decks later.

Efficient Networking at Scale

The beauty of investor events is the sheer number of connections you can make in a short time. Many offer "speed dating" style formats where you can schedule back-to-back short meetings with relevant investors.

As Dan explained about their MidxMidwest event:

"The core of it is the afternoon of the 14th, which is the one-on-one meetup time and you can schedule like 15 meetings and get to know people."

That's 15 investor meetings in one afternoon - far more efficient than trying to schedule those individually.

Access to a Diverse Investor Pool

Regional events often bring together investors from across the country, not just locally. This gives you access to a much broader pool of potential funders.

"We bring in a bunch of funds that are interested in investing in the area," Dan noted. "There's more variety. There's been a lot of new fund creation in the last 10 years."

You may discover niche funds that are a perfect fit for your startup but that you never would have found otherwise.

Refining Your Pitch

Speaking with multiple investors in rapid succession allows you to quickly iterate on your pitch. You'll get a sense of which aspects resonate and which need refining.

"Even if they're not raising right now, [founders can] have a lot of conversations and refine their understanding of what investors are looking for," Dan explained.

Use the event as a learning opportunity to hone your message for future fundraising.

Building Regional Connections

For founders outside major tech hubs, these events are crucial for plugging into the local startup ecosystem. You'll meet not just investors, but other founders, service providers, and startup supporters.

"We want to be sure that we're kind of, you know, helping support the network in our area," Dan said of their motivation for organizing MidxMidwest.

Those connections can pay dividends down the road as you build your company.

Finding the Right Event

Research investor events in your region - many major cities host them annually. Some to look into:

  • MidxMidwest (Kansas City)

  • Venture Atlanta

  • Chicago Venture Summit

  • Startup of the Year Summit (various locations)

If you live in the greater Midwest region and are thinking about raising capital soon, I highly recommend looking into MidxMidwest! It is on November 14th.

Look for events that curate high-quality investors and offer structured networking opportunities. The best combine educational programming with plenty of time for one-on-one meetings.

Investor events won't guarantee you funding. But they offer an unparalleled opportunity to efficiently build relationships with relevant investors. For founders serious about fundraising, they're an invaluable tool to add to your arsenal.

So get out there and start shaking some hands! You never know which conversation might lead to your next round of funding.

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